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Jasmine Torrez

Lives in Miami Beach
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About Me

Born in Chicago Illinois March 22nd 1985. Now residing in Miami Beach Fl. Jasmine has always been into the entertainment industry. For the past 5 yrs she has developed a higher sense of purpose and has grown tremendously in all her talent genres. As a Multitalented, driven, and ambitious artist, Giving up is never an option. Because of her work as a singer songwriter, writer, model, photographer, and graphic designer she can relate to and perform in various areas of talent. AGENTS email exploretalent with talent # found on Jasmines profile

Short Resume

Since 2005 Worked as a graphic designer/ photographer/ model and singer for an independent magazine company/record label. Also ran the business as a partner. Self Employed Graphic design (proof available of all work)


  • Gender
  • Age
    39 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    4'12'' / 153 cm
  • Weight
    120 lbs
  • Hips
  • Hair style
  • Hair color

Jasmine Torrez Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/jasminetorrez/ 1792053

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