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Lilly Austin

Lives in Laredo
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About Me

I am from a large family and I have one son. I love people. Enriching other's lives with my talent is my passion. I have loved the arts from a child, but chose a life in automotive management instead. I am now pursuing my dream with tenacity.

Short Resume

2003 - Black Nativity-Karamu Theatrical Playhouse(Singer) 2004 - Black Nativity-Karmau Theatrical Playhouse (Lead Singer and Actor) 2009 - The Wiz-LMTI - Auntie Em 2009 - The Wiz-LMTI - Glenda the Good Witch 2010 - Doubt a Parable - LMTI - Mrs. Muller 2011 - ATVB Commercial - Female 2011 - Student Film - Charge Nurse 2012 - But God - Theatre - Cindy 2011 - Your Act Studio (Intro to Camera, On Camera I and On Camera II) Bob Harter and Della


  • Gender
  • Age
    69 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    5'5'' / 166 cm
  • Weight
    176 lbs
  • Hips
  • Hair color
  • Ethnicity
    African American

Lilly Austin Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/lillyaustin1/ 3260531

Explore Talent only provides Internet exposure, resources, and tools for you to match your talent with auditions and casting directors.

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