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Rhapzody Barreiro(50-59)

Lives in Atlanta
0 Connects
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About Me

I am an animated, happy-go-lucky guy that just wants to work in the industry. I pride myself on professionalism and flexibility! I can clone with the best of them, or give my original take: whatever is required. What is listed as my bust size is actually my suit size.

Short Resume

I have over 20 years of experience in Public Speaking in a volunteer organization. I also have 9 years experience doing in-home shows/ demonstrations.I did a spot on a comedy/variety show once. Most of my experience is in radio and commercial voice-over, however I have been on stage on several occasions.


  • Gender
  • Age
    62 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    6'4'' / 194 cm
  • Weight
    224 lbs
  • Hips
  • Hair style
  • Hair color
  • Ethnicity
    African American

Rhapzody Barreiro Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/rhapzodybarreiro/ 1184504

Explore Talent only provides Internet exposure, resources, and tools for you to match your talent with auditions and casting directors.

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