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William Miller(50-59)

Lives in Atlanta
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About Me

I have been described as a "Natural Talent" by Richard (Dick)Leitgeb. I can cry, and have a natural love of and appreciation for the art of acting. I do not ever get scared of a platform and draw energy from other cast members or an audience. I can perform in romantic, authoritative, dramatic, dark, complex, and comedic roles. I am, as are most actors and actresses, a bit of a ham, and like most seek appreciation or approval. I absolutely subscribe to the improvisation theory for making theater and film better and more believable for the audience. Human interaction can only be scripted so far before it becomes surreal to audiences. The funniest moments in life come from interaction with others. ... read more

Short Resume

Throughout the years I have done a bit of acting, mostly for entertainment or amateur competitions. I have been on the stage as a singer, and as a actor. No stage or role could be too big for me to feel comfortable. I have played Scrooge (Christmas Carol), Tommy Djilas (Music Man), Johnny (Once Upon a Playground) and a number of other roles that were for friends to enjoy or by their request.


  • Gender
  • Age
    59 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    5'11'' / 181 cm
  • Weight
    208 lbs
  • Hips
  • Hair style
  • Hair color
  • Ethnicity

William Miller Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/williammiller40/ 7053552

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