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Janelle Gamache

Lives in Lewisville
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About Me

Hi! My name is Janelle Nicole Gamache! I'm a bubbly, outgoing, laid-back, personal trainer currently living in Lewisville, TX. I live by few philosophies, including: "Whatever is supposed to happen, will happen." and "Knowing what you don't know is wisdom." and "You're not meant to be great; you either are or you aren't." I figure the reason I like these sayings so much is because of my laid back personality. I don't really let a lot of things bother me, and I figure there's a reason for everything that happens. For example: the reason I'm broke as hell right now is because I need to learn to manage my money. I'll get right on that :). Another aspect of my personality that coincides with those saying is my ability to admit when I don't know something, and appreciate when there is someone who can teach me what I don't know. I love learning and understand I can't do it without those who have been there first. And the third quote I love because it's blunt (which I'm known to be). Also, I believe it's true. I've met a lot of people and have seen that there's this glow or light around some people. You know them, they're the people that when they walk into a room, everyone's neck snaps. Some of these people are traditionally attractive and some aren't. That is irrelevant. The point is that thse somebodies have something that the nobodies don't; and I believe I'm one of those somebodies. Okay, some more about me...I was raised by my mother pretty much by herself. She's one of te strongest women I know and I've learned a lot from her. Some people may not believe some of her ideals were the best... read more


  • Gender
  • Age
    38 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    5'9'' / 176 cm
  • Weight
    140 lbs
  • Hips
  • Hair color
  • Ethnicity

Janelle Gamache Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/janellegamache/ 1552483

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