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Jessica Nicole(18-29)

Lives in Riverbank
0 Connects
0 Following

About Me

My name is Jessica Nicole Wickliffe and I like to act, do voice-acting, sing, write, be artistic, and be an all around creative person, and I am looking for a creative career like this. I am who I am and proud to be me. I have had a rocky course in life, but when it comes down to it, haven't we all in one way or another? I am a fun and outgoing person to be around, and when you get to know me, you will agree as well. I make friends everywhere I go no matter what the circumstance, because I just love to be social. I love doing random spur of the moment things, yet at the same time I like having everything scheduled so I know what I will be doing and when I will be doing it. It just depends on the moment. Welcome to a very small, not even close to the tip of the ice burgh, portion of my life. Life is short, make of it what you can and do with it what you will. This is what I want to do with my life and I am hoping you are willing to get to know me better.... read more

Short Resume

My name is Jessica Nicole Wickliffe and I like to act, do voice-acting, sing, write, be artistic, and be an all around creative person, and I am looking for a creative career like this. I am who I am and proud to be me. I have had a rocky course in life, but when it comes down to it, haven't we all in one way or another? I am a fun and outgoing person to be around, and when you get to know me, you will agree as well. I make friends everywhere I go no matter what the circumstance, because I just love to be social. I love doing random spur of the moment things, yet at the same time I like having everything scheduled so I know what I will be doing and when I will be doing it. It just depends on the moment. Welcome to a very small, not even close to the tip of the ice burgh, portion of my life. Life is short, make of it what you can and do with it what you will. This is what I want to do with my life and I am hoping you are willing to get to know me better.... read more


  • Gender
  • Age
    35 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    5'8'' / 173 cm
  • Weight
    134 lbs
  • Hips
  • Hair style
  • Hair color
  • Ethnicity

Jessica Nicole Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/jessicanicole7/ 7584078

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