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Is Explore Talent legit?

Since 2003, Explore Talent has been helping aspiring talents and models reach their goal to become part of the entertainment and fashion industries. Despite the company's good intentions, internet trolls who expects to have everything on the internet for free have surfaced online saying that Explore Talent is a scam. They are questioning not just the site's credibility, but also the reliability of the auditions and casting calls they provide daily. These people who expect to have something-for-nothing have even gone as far as to say that the company is a complete fraud, provoking readers into an emotional response. These people say things like “never pay for auditions”, are expecting the hundreds of people operating Explore Talent to work for free. We are also aware of few competitors who are regularly posting fake negative comments and complaints on review sites.

Explore Talent Remains Strong Despite Harsh Criticisms

However, the legitimacy of Explore Talent cannot just unfairly be tarnished by the barrage of complaints and negative criticisms spread over the Internet while ignoring the thousands of satisfied customers. Its growth still continues with its escalating number of members, which is now at over 10 million. It is also going strong in its effort to provide more casting calls, auditions and jobs.

As a holder of an accredited business from the Better Business Bureau, its standing in the business of making aspiring talent successful is as solid as ever. This sterling rating is backed by a huge database of auditions, casting calls and jobs that are 10 times more than any other talent resource sites, making Explore Talent the largest of its kind. The services and value they offer have paved the way for its members to land thousands of jobs and auditions in both fashion and entertainment fields.

Based on the site's BBB rating, its length of service in the industry and its massive listing of casting calls, auditions and jobs, you can decide for yourself if Explore Talent is legit or not. If you will read through the testimonials and success stories posted by its members online, you can already figure out that all the harsh and negative criticisms against the site are nothing but part of a smear campaign intended to place the company's excellent standing and name in a bad light.

Testimonials and Success Stories from Explore Talent Members

As Explore Talent has helped a great number of its members land auditions and jobs over the past 14 years, a lot of testimonials praising the service of the site can be seen online. Among these is that of Bobby Banhart's, who was cast for a Shot of Love with Tila Tequila, which was aired on MTV in 2007.

In an interview, Banhart enthused, “Explore Talent got this thing for a new hit show, (didn't know much what it was all about), I sent my resume and headshot and 45 minutes later, I was flown out to LA. A Shot of Love with Tila Tequila was a hit show, 6.7 million viewers, biggest show on MTV and I found out about it through ExploreTalent.com.”

Aside from appearing in the first series for A Shot of Love with Tila Tequila, Banhart was also a guest in its sequel dubbed, A Shot of Love: The Hangover and in A Shot of Love: The Final Round, which was a TV movie for the finale of the series.

Another member who found success through the site is katherine rose , who appeared in such movies as Enemies Among Us, Are You Scared 2 and Terror Trap. She recommended Explore Talent's services saying that it's “worth your time and effort”, as it is “really the best and easiest site” she has ever used.

Wesley “Charm” Graham posted a video on YouTube , stating how he got tons of responses to his audition submissions when he became an Explore Talent member. He revealed that he even got an invitation to a Nuvo TV red carpet event when he auditioned for a job with Hollywood Productions. The singer, model and actor posted his photo attending the event on his Thumbler account . He also posted the posters of independent films he has been part of as well as other photos documenting his journey in the entertainment industry on his Facebook account .

“At this point, right now, Explore Talent has helped me a lot, boosting my career and putting me in a certain level right now where I am probably going to quit my day job soon enough,” Graham said. He also added that he has great projects lined up including a photo shoot with Old Navy, becoming an extra for Fast and Furious 7 and a SAG feature film titled, A Life of a Fantasy.

Explore Talent is Out to Help Victimized Talents

Just based on the testimonials mentioned above, you can see how Explore Talent is rated when it comes to helping out aspiring talents get the jobs and auditions they want. Also, instead of deceiving people as alleged by others, they are doing everything in their power to assist those who were victims of scams.

In a continuous effort to raise the standards of their services, the talent resource site has launched the Fraud Compensation Program. It is meant to provide help for these talent conventions and fake photoshoots victims, so these talents can be helpec n in their pursuit of becoming a part of the showbiz industry. If you were a victim yourself, you can get as many free monthly service from Explore Talent for every $29.95 you were scammed for, no questions asked.

All you have to do to qualify for the program is to provide your credit card statement (with your personal information covered), which should show the amount you paid to who you believe you were scammed by. You don't even have to provide any billing information to claim the free services provided by the company. With the help and guidance from the site's team.

Explore Talent is Indeed Legit

So, if you will look at Explore Talent from all angles and view all the testimonials and success stories extolling its virtues as a service provider, you yourself can attest to its veracity as a talent resource site. It is indeed a legitimate operation that offers opportunities to every aspiring actor, model, dancer and musician out there.

They are not promising to get you hired for any project. Instead, they are going to help you speed up the process of finding auditions, casting calls and jobs through their massive database and match-cast technology, which will pair you up with the ones that match your preferences as a talent. They will provide you with an avenue wherein you can network with other aspiring talents as well as with other industry professionals who can help you achieve your goals in becoming an actor or a model in your own right.

Explore Talent is legit. You only have to look at the facts to be sure about this. But, if you are still doubtful, then have a look at the site yourself. There are a lot of things there that will open your eyes to the truth, which is basically all about one thing. Explore Talent is here to help make your dreams come true.


Explore Talent Success Story: Bobby Banhart - ExploreTalent.com

Bobby Banhart found a job on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila through ExploreTalent.com shortly after he joined. He submitted his resume and headshot and was cast in the highest rated MTV show with 8.4 million viewers.


Explore Talent Actor's “One Hour Fantasy Girl” Film Screening

Explore Talent member John Morgan Woodward at the private cast and crew screening of “One Hour Fantasy Girl”. Producer John Paul Rice used Explore Talent's service to cast the role of Roger in his film. John Morgan Woodward, a member of Explore Talent, found the call after one week of being a member. He responded to the call through Explore Talent, auditioned and was cast in this powerful dramatic independent film. John Paul Rice will use Explore Talent again for his upcoming film “The Boy Who Couldn't Say No”. Look for upcoming film auditions, movie auditions, film roles with Explore Talent.


How To Be A Successful Actress

I had been with LA Casting for 9 months. After submitting for auditions and getting nothing, I decided to give Explore Talent a try. Within two weeks of becoming a member of Explore Talent, I started going on 2-3 auditions per week. I have now been with ExploreTalent.com for 6 months and I have not stopped working. I never even got any auditions on LACasting.com and everything changed after I joined ExploreTalent.com.


CSI:NY Christopher Warren Journeyman Lincoln Heights

“Forget LA Casting, this is the new hot one right here! ExploreTalent.com!” Christopher Warren, actor in CSI:NY and Journeyman, gives his advice to actors just starting out. Explore Talent is hot!

Featured Testimonials

AJ Heiss got a Bounty Paper Towels commercial ! Just wanted to say “Thank You” for getting AJ his last job. He just did a commercial for Bounty Paper Towels. Thanks, Dyanna Heiss

- Aj Heiss

My sons have done many jobs ! I just wanted to Thank Explore Talent for helping Triston Coleman my son and Trevon Coleman my other son with persuing there acting career because of you they have done many jobs and have just landed membership with a SAG Franchised Agency That will allow them to go any where to follow there dreams. Thank You! Explore Talent, I hope both my boys will be very successful and thanks you. Great Thanks! Triston Coleman age 7 Trevon Coleman age 6

- Triston Coleman

I started on Explore Talent in March and immediately found my first audition for a voice over part. When I went for the audition, I didn't get the voice over...because they cast me for a supporting role. Next I self submitted to audition for a supporting role in a movie about a NY Crime Family Boss. I didn't get that part either...because they cast me as the LEAD!! Then I self submitted for a supporting role in another film and got that one. Yes, there have been others that I have submitted for but have either not gotten the call or had to turn down the audition due to conflicts (but that is a great feeling, when you can't do it- BECAUSE YOU ARE WORKING!!!) While these haven't been paid gigs, my resume has gone from basically nothing for the last 30 years to a nicely rounded experience grouping. As a result I now have 2 SAG Franchised agents to which I am signed. - Thanks for a great start Explore Talent!

- Paul Alessi