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Sierra Rains

Lives in West Palm Beach
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About Me

I have been a student of John Robert Powers since 2003 and have been modeling and acting as long. I tend to play characters between 12-16 years old, due to, in part, my looks. I live in south Florida with my parents and 3 brothers. I am extremely mature for my age due to my vast amount of life experiences: the fact that I have been instrumental in raising my 2 younger brothers and taking on household responsibilities at a very young age. I maintain no less than a 3.0 gpa; I'm the editor of my school news paper, and am very dedicated to school. I am a member of the United States Air Force Auxiliary Branch: Civil Air Patrol and am working towards getting my pilot license. I fly small aircraft for fun, rollerblade/jam skate, read, swim and babysit in my free time. ... read more

Short Resume

Print: Product Inserts and Web Site: www.thefunglasses.com--The Fun Glasses, Inc Film: "Heirs of the King" trailer 2007 "Rough Winds" Indie Film, 2008 MISC: Invited to attend 2008 IPOP in LA and Las Vegas Training: Commercials on Camera . Jane Kelly, John Robert Powers, Palm Beach Voice and Diction- Carla Maldonado, John Robert Powers, Palm Beach Soap and Sitcom- John Robert Powers Palm Beach TV and Media Production- Jeaga School Journalism- Jeaga School Computer and Business- Jeaga School (references available on request) See Resume for more information


  • Gender
  • Age
    30 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    5'4'' / 163 cm
  • Weight
    110 lbs
  • Hair style
  • Hair color
  • Ethnicity

Sierra Rains Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/sierrarains/ 1356847

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