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Tania Tapia

Lives in Lathrop, USA
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About Me

I am a very down to earth yet professional. I enjoy my career, and having fun! I take my work seriously. My versatile looks allow for me to have and produce many looks and styles. I am very reliable and dependable, and strive to be one of the best. I have what others say to be one of the best personalities. I try to make most situations fun and memorable.

Short Resume

Impalas Magazine Advertisement 2009 PLAYBOY TV'S "FOURSOME" SEASON #3 2009 COCOA JEANS MODEL 2009 RED SKYE COMICS COMIC BOOK CHARACTER 2009 Playboy Golf WWE July 2007 Magazine Publication Fit Models International Magazine Publication 2006-2007 eGirls News Magazine 2007 Bossman Magazine 2008 The Tonight With Jay Leno Show 2007 Beer.com Featured Model and Live Radio and Podcast Interview SIRIUS Maxim Radio Live Interview With Stretch 2007 Glamourcon #43 Los Angeles 2008 Taboo Bikinis 2008 Big Boy Toys Clothing 2008


  • Gender
  • Age
    40 yrs old
  • Eye Color
  • Height
    5'6'' / 168 cm
  • Weight
    120 lbs
  • Hips
  • Hair style
  • Hair color
  • Ethnicity

Tania Tapia Website - https://www.exploretalent.com/taniatapia1/ 1394394

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